Thursday, 24 September 2009

Dads Space 1-2-1 Demo

Here is the Dads Space 1-2-1 demonstration video:

The 1-2-1 Space is an online "connection space" that allows children to safely and securely interact with their parents and relatives. It is a moderated and secure space that allows the sharing of messages and photos as well as containing many games that can be played together remotely. It is specifically designed for families where face to face contact between parent/relative and child is limited or difficult.

This could be for a wide variety of reasons including family break up, geographical reasons, anti-social or long working hours or remote working. Or parents might simply wish to have a secure online space where they can interact with their child on a one to one basis.

The 1-2-1 Space is interested in hearing from organisations or employers who are interested in referring families to this free service. Please contact for more details.

Dads Space Interveiw

On Monday morning our Dads Space film crew went on a shoot to interview two fathers, in preparation for the release of next months Dads Space issue; ‘Teenage Fathers’. Both Jude Edgington and David Mullings had their first children when they were only 18, since then both have become successful in their chosen fields.

Jude (a celebrity photographer) is in the process of organising and shooting work for an exhibition documenting teenage fathers, (read the full feature online in October). David is a Fathers Worker, using his personal experiences to help and support fathers reach their full potential as parents.

Keep yours eyes open for photos and some very interesting and insightful discussions between both of these inspiring fathers, in the meantime why not check out the Dads Space Youtube channel for interviews with celebrity fathers, and insights from experienced fathers from around England.

Monday, 21 September 2009

President Obama Talks Fatherhood

Barak Obama talks about his fathers absence, his children and keeping a balance between his presidential role and fathering role. (Click picture to see video)

Also check out the Dads-Space interview with Craig David, in which he has a lot to say about a fathers role and the example people such as Obama has set for fathers and people around the world. (Here)

Friday, 11 September 2009

Dads Space Website Design

The Dads Space site has been redesigned, visit the new look site to see this month’s issue of Dads Space, all about the recession:

With an interview with Ed Balls, articles on dads experiences and hints and tips for dealing with the recession:

Dads' views on getting advice

Have a look at this very interesting video we found on the YummyMums YouTube channel

Some dads talk through parenting issues over a few beers.The panel includes DJ Chris Brooks, magazine publisher Damion Queva, comedian Kevin Day and TV presenter Jonathan Wills.